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[ 作者:佚名 | 转贴自:网上摘录 | 点击数:5394 | 更新时间:2005-5-22 | 文章录入:admin ]















Cue Care And Maintenance Basics
By: Jim Barr

This is the first column of what I hope to be, many columns on care and maintenance of your cue. This month I'm going to cover some of the simple basics of cue care, and in the future will touch base on some of these again in more detail, as well as other cue issues.
If you have a personal cue now, then hopefully you already have a case. If this is a soft case, then you might want to consider investing in a hard case. Preferably something with a pouch to carry all the goodies you might need while playing. A hard case will give your cue more protection from damage, as well as to help protect it from humidity and moisture that can cause the butt or shaft to warp. Another way to protect your cue from moisture is to invest in joint protectors. These are inexpensive and they will help to prevent moisture from entering your cue at the two most vulnerable parts of the cue, as well as protecting these areas from other types of damage.

Never lean your cue against a wall! This can also cause your cue to warp and can cause dents and even breakage from falling over. When I'm playing league, one of my favorite places to keep my cue between matches is flat on the floor under the pool table. You might also find my case here, but that's just to get it out of the way.

Another major cause of dents comes from using a mechanical bridge (or crutch). I often watch players bang their cue against a crutch while trying to get these two tools on the table to make a shot, as well as banging them together while trying to get them out of the way of the balls bouncing off the rail. For these types of shots, you might want to consider using a house cue.

You should never use anything abrasive on your shaft. Avoid anything that will remove any wood, this includes those green scouring pads and all sand paper. If you feel you must use these types of items then use them sparingly, if you don't, your shaft's going to end up in the shape of an hour glass. One of the best ways to help keep your shaft clean is to keep your hands clean. I personally never use any type of powder, and have found if you keep your shaft clean, then powder is not necessary. I will do something on cleaning your shaft in the future, even those shafts that appear to be beyond help.

The butt of your cue is pretty much maintenance free, but consider carrying a small, clean, soft towel to wipe down the shaft and the butt of your cue each time before you put it away.

Invest in a tip pick or a tip tapper for roughing up the tip when it won't hold chalk. Do not scrape at the tip with these tools, both are designed to tap on the tip. If you use one of these tools, your tip will have a much longer life, my personal preference is the pick. You might also want to invest in a tip shaper, you will need to determine which shape you prefer first. Only use the shaper when your tip needs shaped. You can also use sandpaper if you like, but without a little practice with it you may end up with a lopsided tip. Tappers, picks and shapers are inexpensive and well worth the investment.

I know of three things that will harden a tip. One of them is liquid, I will talk about the other two in the future. So here's a tip to help prevent mushrooming of your tip: Occasionally apply moisture to the edge of your tip. I apply a little water by wetting my finger and going around the edge of the tip. Do this as often as you can, especially when the tip is new. Try not to hit the top of the tip, if you do you may need to use your tip pick or tapper.

Never leave your cue in your car! The temperature change and humidity can cause it to warp. You could also lose your cue to theft, as I did three years ago.

One of the most important things to remember about caring for your cue is to use common sense.

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